Anchoring Electrification, Chinese enterprises take the lead (Economics Focus)

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Update time : 2023-11-08

Since the beginning of this year, the trend of electrification of global construction machinery products has become increasingly prominent. Data show that from January to May, the industry sold 806 electric loaders, an increase of 102.5%. The research and development of electric products has realized the transformation of the drive device from the engine to the motor, made up for the shortcomings of domestic enterprises in engine manufacturing, and provided new opportunities for enterprises to expand overseas markets.

The longest endurance! On June 6, the newly developed electric tractor of Sany Heavy truck traveled from Changsha to Shenzhen, achieving a driving distance of 817.5 kilometers on a single charge, refreshing the new record of global heavy truck endurance.

The highest altitude! 4,500 meters above sea level, 10 kilometers deep in the tunnel, Liugong electric loader power surging. The electric loader charges for 1 hour, lasts 1 shift, and can work for more than 20 hours a day.

Since the beginning of this year, the trend of electrification of global construction machinery products has become increasingly prominent. "China's new energy construction machinery has developed rapidly, and has basically formed a professional technical support system, which has laid a solid foundation for the next wide application." China Construction Machinery Industry Association president Su Zimeng said.

China Construction Machinery Industry Association data show that from January to May, the industry sold 806 electric loaders, an increase of 102.5%; Among them, 246 units were sold in May, an increase of 136.5% year-on-year.

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